Saturday, May 20, 2006

A few weeks ago...

i went to the opening of this show.

here are the pictures I took (these photos in no way do the painting justice as they should be seen in person...always...)

these pieces have transparent layers of paint which create a illusion of depth as the trees seem to float in front of the endless sky. the image of the sun was actually part of the painting and not the flash of the camera due to my poor photo taking abilities.

some of them were hung in rows as pictured above. the show also displayed photographs that were based on the Beaufort Scale which is described further in the link. (click on the image)

i know that posting on here has been a little weak lately as aL has been busy as hell and i hopefully will start showing some work that is a little more challenging and disorienting to your previous notions of a r t.

because thats what i like to do.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Piece of the week parts 2 & 3

last week I was out of town and really didn't feel like blogging so i told my robot friend to maintain for me and he/she/it didn't even touch this one and so now i have to make it up with this weeks installment of piece of the week and i'm telling you its a doozey as ive been saving this one for a while...

Alexander Kosolapov
My blood, 2001
Acrylic, canvas. 37,34x70 inches

this russian artist pissed off alot of people with his work, especially the religious
his work has been destoyed by fanatics and had had lawsuits against his blasphemous
subject matter

i think the artist is fully aware of his ability to offend and
it is clearly his intention to arouse such irrational behavior

although this next image is not art it is comparable as it points out the serious contradictions in
our culture

is this not offensive as this peice of crap billboard is huge, raised up 200 feet in the air for everyone to see
