piece of the week
ok, i'm gonna try to post an image of artwork each week.
the day of the week depends on the week because i'm not really into structure.
it could come on monday, thursday, saturday...heck! even sunday! who knows?
i don't...

Oil on canvas. 22 3/4 x 31 in. (58 x 79 cm)
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Lurie Kramer, Class of 1936, Collection; bequest of Helen Kroll Kramer. 77.62.2
this week i give you arthur dove...
i recently noticed one of his paintings at the met
at first i didn't think much of it other than the colors
then as i saw more examples of his painting i realized something...
arthur dove is good.
what makes him good you ask?
ok..its obvious hes taking these forms and shapes from nature but its also obvious he doesn't care about recognizability...
he is after all an abstract painter and his tendency is to communicate a feeling of nature without the obvious association with a sky, rock, or tree...
well..i think thats just cool how he does that..and he's pretty damn consistent.
here's another one i really like...

Abstraction #3
Gouache on paper
3 x 4 inches
ok..well thats it for aL's installment of piece of the week!
Love them both. Thanks.
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